Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First Box

It's official now - I packed my first box today. So I know we are not moving for another 6 months, but it will take a little more time to pack with 2 kids than it did before! We received our unofficial acceptance via email earlier this week and have attempted to work through the application process for an education grant (to jump start our funding) and for CTEN (the organization that will handle our finances and provide pastoral care). We are in the tedious phase of applications and working out all the details. So many things to think about - insurance, storing our stuff, preparing our place to rent. . .
It is weird having a temporary mindset. I am constantly looking around our house for things to get rid of. I have never been very sentimental about our stuff, but now I am just plain ruthless! If it isn't practical, I am not packing it :)
On the family side, we spent a week in Colorado Springs to celebrate Peter (Tim's brother) and Joy's wedding. We even got to stay a couple of extra days after the wedding for some much needed family time. It was beautiful and I keep wondering why we are not moving there. . . .
Tim's mom finished her third round of chemo last week. She is on an alternating schedule of "easier" treatments and harder treatments. The harder ones require a hospital stay and are very draining. She thankfully has not had too many side effects. Please keep her in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know that you have a blog????? Now I'm seeing why we have a lot of catching up to do! Wow...you have a lot of changes coming your way! I enjoyed reading your blog. I'll be sure to stop by more often now that i know you have it. :)
