Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How can we be praying for people you're ministering to or for your specific area of ministry in the :

Pray that I can meet up with the two international students from GeorgiaTech this week. Pray that God will keep giving us opportunities here in our apartment complex. Pray that we will find some more ways to do ministry as a family.
How can we be praying for you personally this coming week?:
If it is possible to pray for another person to die to self, then pray that for me. I feel I try to do way too much under my own power. Pray for me to make wise decisions on ministry. Pray for continued balance of Family, Ministry, Studying, and Work.
What praise reports do you have from this past week?:
We are back in the 21st Century with Internet! The ministry opportunities that we did get this week were awesome! We are very excited about the family in our apartment building! Sarah found a good pre-school to put the kids into two days a week! We go to spend the weekend with some family in Nashville and saw my brand new niece! Roaches didn't setup a Tower of Mordor in our kitchen while were gone.

1 comment:

  1. Love the specific prayer requests! Know we are praying!! (& keep 'em comning!)
