Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Joel Turns FIVE!

I know every parent says this for every child . . . and every one of their birthdays, but it has to be said . . . I cannot believe that 5 years have passed since Joel was born.  I remember every detail of his birth so clearly.  He has never been an "easy" child, but he has definitely brought a lot of joy to our lives.  He has never-ending energy, a creative imagination, is a 100% extrovert, :) and a mind that processes things that are way beyond his years.

We had a fun-filled weekend celebrating this big milestone.  My parents came in town late Friday night.  We were all up bright and early to have breakfast, and then we met Papa and Grammy Hayes and the Zac Hayes' family at Zonkers.  The boys loved all the rides and games!

After they were sufficiently worn out, we headed over to Pizza West for a delicious pizza buffet, cupcakes (made by Jenna!), and presents.

Of course, one of the biggest hits were the $1 dinosaurs that we used as cupcake toppers.  
Why bother buying these guys nice toys??

After some quick naps/rest time, my mom and I celebrated by getting pedicures :) and my dad and Tim took the boys swimming at our gym.  Needless to say, it was an early bedtime night which gave the men a chance to exert their manly-hood by playing some sort of shooting xbox game.  

On Sunday morning, Joel and I went to pick out our traditional donut breakfast.  As they get older, it is fun watching what they pick out for their brothers.  I subtly hint at which one I would like, and Tim always get a cinnamon roll.  

Joel picked Caleb one with lots of chocolate icing (not pictured) for we all know Caleb is a chocolate lover.  He picked one that had fruit loops on it for Josiah.

And his was a long caterpillar one.

I couldn't help but capture all their little feet lined up in a row!

After presents, we enjoyed the exceptionally beautiful weather we had by walking off those donuts around the block.  Then we headed over to Paulo and Bill's for their brunch. 

Here is Joel trying out his new police helmet.

While the two younger guys had nap/rest time, my parents took Joel 
to the park and out for slurpees.  

And to end his official birthday, Joel and Caleb went to Cubbies (Awanas) while I took my parents to the airport.  On a side note, we just started Cubbies this month, and they love it!  They have already memorized 4 different Scriptures and really seem to be learning alot!

Happy FIFTH birthday Joel!  We love you and are thankful God trusted us to raise you!

Monday, January 23, 2012

2 Dates in One Week?

After way too many months passing by without having a date with Tim, we were spoiled with TWO last week! On Monday night, Tom gave us tickets to the Baylor/KU game, and he and Karen offered to babysit!  How can anyone pass up a deal like that??
We haven't been to a Baylor game since . . . . well, since we graduated 10 years ago.  We had great seats and even though I was greatly out-numbered, I sported my green and gold.  Tim ended up wearing a Baylor sweatshirt with a KU t-shirt underneath (I stole his BU t-shirt since none of mine fit right now :) )  It was so hot that he ended up in the t-shirt, and I was left to defend our Alma Mater on my own.  Baylor lost, but we had a great time anyways.

Then on Saturday night, we went to eat at the Melting Pot with some friends we don't get to see very often. (Thanks Phil and Orah for babysitting!)  We have entered that stage in life where it is getting very difficult to get our friends and all our small children together very often.  Coordinating naptimes, bedtimes, food, too many small kids in one place . . . it is no small feat.  I digress.  Back to the Melting Pot - we splurged and got the 4 course dinner.  It was so delicious, and it took us THREE hours to eat.  What a nice change from the eat fast before someone else needs something meals we have at home :)  My date was handsome and captivating, adult conversation was invigorating, and the food was delicious.

My Lunch Dates

Joel and Caleb insisted on wearing their Samson costumes during lunch today. 
 (Joel is giving his best muscle-man "grrr" face) 
It was hilarious watching them try to eat with those big muscles always getting in the way.

Monday, January 16, 2012

After the holidays....

We got to spend time with both of our families for Christmas this year . . . all in one week.  
The boys had lots and lots of cousin time.  I don't have all the pictures yet,
 so that will have to be another posting.  

In the meantime, here are a couple of things that I've actually captured on camera the last couple of weeks.  Picture taking is becoming more of a rare phenomenon around her lately....

Before school started back up, we had a belated Happy Birthday Jesus party with 
some of our play date friends.  Originally planned for the week before Christmas, it was postponed
 due to sick kids . . . not too surprising. :)   We decorated cookies, sang some songs, 
and read the Christmas story.  

Our evenings often consist of wrestling of some sort. 
All three boys love to have Tim toss them onto the couch.  
Here is Josiah's happy grin after one of these tossings.

The two older boys on attack!

Looks like they are winning this one . . . 

Our weekends have been nice and relaxing after the holidays.  We have spent some time at the park, shopped for organizing stuff (like most post-holiday Americans), Tim has been enjoying our new XBOX360, and the boys started Awanas on Sunday evenings. 

And just in case you have been counting the weeks too, :)  
we have only 10 1/2 weeks left before we meet Baby #4!