Thursday, May 6, 2010

Girl Time

I hung out with Rasha by myself for the first time today. I left the boys at home napping with Tim so that I could actually just enjoy getting to know her better. Now that Khaled has a full-time job, we have had a difficult time getting together with them as families.
When I spend time with her, I always learn something new. We ask each other a lot of questions and I am relieved that she is from a similar open culture. By "open", I mean that they are not afraid to tell you what they truly think. While in Atlanta, we have been around so many other cultures that are not very direct so you never know if you are offending them or if they mean something other than what they said. I have to admit that I am not very good with those cultures.
Anyways, I really felt like we connected today. We have more in common than I would have ever thought. I have learned so much about Iraq. I had so many misperceptions....probably because I have never before had much of an interest to learn about different countries or cultures. I used to prefer to just stay in my own little bubble world. It is easier and more convenient that way. It hurts my heart to hear what others have gone through. I have always said that I refuse to read or watch the news because I don't think my heart is meant to hold all the pain in the world. Maybe that is still somewhat true, but I have found that closing my eyes to those around me is not what God intended for any of us. Don't worry friends that know me well :), I still believe most news is biased and tailored to dramatize the worst things in our society, but I have noticed a change in me. I am now interested in and pray for the things going on around in our world. Yes, it is more painful for me, but I have also missed out on some of the awesome things that God is doing around the world too. He is moving...through both the good and the bad!

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