Anyways, we visited the Weston Applefest and stuffed ourselves with everything but apples....bratwursts, pulled pork sandwiches, funnel cakes, chips, kettle corn....a meal of champions. We then met our friends, Tom and Bobbi with their 2 cute girls at Weston Bend State Park. We still wanted to experience the best part of camping - cooking over the fire, hiking around, and making smores. The kids had a blast despite missing their naps. We even found the teeniest frog ever.
So why is the title of this blog about beans you ask? Well, the guys made us a wood fire in the grill near the picnic site. We were making our delicious dinner over the fire, chicken with vegetable wraps and baked beans, when I hear this amazingly loud explosion. I turn around to see my father running away from the grill covered in soot and something brown. The can of beans exploded and nailed my dad in the stomach. The timing was uncanny. He was doing a close-up video of the fire and our food. Somehow the camera survived and we have it all caught on video tape. (For a large sum of money, you can order your copy of it.) After the initial panic and scare, my dad is left with a large can-shaped bruise on his stomach, and we are left with a funny memory of the exploding can of beans.